Dienstag, 15. Januar 2013

Democracy is Forbidden in Islam / Demokratie ist im Islam verboten / مردم سالاری در اسلام آزاد نیست

Democracy is Forbidden in Islam
Demokratie ist im Islam verboten
مردم سالاری در اسلام آزاد نیست
"Democracy is Forbidden in Islam"
"Government should be only in the hands of Allah."
Why are radical Muslims opposed to the upcoming parliamentary election in Jordan?Because they believe that democracy is in contradiction with Islam's concept of the sovereignty of Allah's law. They argue that Islam and democracy cannot go together, and they are obviously right, especially if one considers the experiences of people living under Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.Thanks to the "Arab Spring," which has seen the rise of Islamists to power in a number of countries, Muslim extremists today feel free to express their opinion on political and religious issues.One of them, Abed Shehadeh, leader of the Salafi Jihadi movement in Jordan, ruled this week that democracy in its concept as "ruling of the people by the people" and "should be forbidden in Islam."Shehadeh, who is also known as Abu Mohammad Tahawi, explained that sovereignty and government belong to Allah alone and not to the people.He said that the upcoming parliamentary elections, which are scheduled for January 23, were forbidden and contradictory to Islamic Shariah "because the parliament legislates laws and regulations that contradict Allah's law."Shehadeh also criticized electoral programs presented by the candidates and lists. He said that the "the electoral slogans used by the candidates were "impossible to implement on the ground."He urged Jordanians to boycott the elections because "choosing legislators other than Allah is forbidden."The Salafi Jihadi leader's call for boycotting the election does not seem to have fallen on deaf ears in Jordan, where many voters seem determined to boycott the vote.Although it is banned in Jordan, the Salafi Jihadi movement has managed to recruit several thousand supporters over the past few years.In April 2011, the movement held one of its largest demonstrations in the industrial town of Zarqa north of Amman. Eighty-three policemen were wounded, including four who were stabbed by Salafis.It now remains to be seen whether the Salafi Jihadists will resort to violence to prevent or foil the parliamentary election.
Jordanian security officials have expressed deep concern over the radical movement's involvement in the civil war in Syria. Dozens of Jordanian Salafis have crossed the border to join various Islamist terror groups waging Jihad [holy war] against Syrian dictator Bashar Assad's regime.The Jordanians' biggest fear is that when the Salafis are done with Syria, they will intensify their efforts to turn the kingdom into an Islamic state.The Jordanian Salafis who are fighting in Syria are not seeking to install democracy. Nor are they seeking to enable Syrians to hold free and democratic elections to choose their representatives. As their leader, Shehadeh, explained, democracy and elections are forbidden in Islam.The Salafis, like other radical Islamist groups, want to establish an Islamic empire and impose strict Shariah laws on Arabs and Muslims. They are convinced that sovereignty and "government should be only in the hands of Allah," who has entrusted them with serving as his representatives and messengers on earth.
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Demokratie ist im Islam verboten
''Die Regierung sollte nur in den Händen Allahs liegen'' Warum sind radikale Muslime gegen die bevorstehenden Parlamentswahlen in Jordanien? Weil sie glauben, dass Demokratie im Gegensatz steht zu dem islamischen Konzept der Souveränität von Allahs Gesetz.Sie behaupten, dass Islam und Demokratie nicht zusammen gehen können und sie haben offensichtlich Recht, insbesondere, wenn man die Erfahrungen der Menschen bedenkt, die unter der Hamas und der Muslimbruderschaft leben.Dank des ''Arabischen Frühlings'', der in einer Anzahl von Ländern den Aufstieg der Islamisten an die Macht ermöglicht hat, fühlen sich die muslimischen Extremisten heute bestärkt, ihre Meinung in politischen und religiösen Angelegenheiten zu äußern.Einer von ihnen, Abed Shehadeh, Führer der salafistisch-jihadistischen Bewegung in Jordanien, entschied diese Woche, dass die Demokratie mit ihrem Konzept der ''Regierung von Menschen durch Menschen'' ''im Islam verboten sein sollte''.Shehadeh, auch bekannt unter dem Namen Abu Mohammed Tahawi, erklärte, dass Souveränität und Regierung Allah alleine gehören und nicht dem Volk.Er sagte, dass die bevorstehenden Parlamentswahlen, die für den 23. Januar vorgesehen sind, verboten seien und im Gegensatz zur islamischen Scharia stünden ''weil das Parlament Gesetze erlässt und Regeln, die Allahs Recht widersprechen.''
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